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Trachelospermum asiaticum 'HOSNS'
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Please call to pre-order (918) 453-0771.
Super Starter (2.25 in. to 4 in. Potted)
(SKU: 6903)
68 - Available Now (S) -
Super Starter
List Price $15.00 Per Plant In Stock
Super Starter (2.25 in. to 4 in. Potted)
(SKU: 12404)
31 - Available Now (S) -
10 plants
Super Starter
List Price $120.00 10 Per Plant In Stock

Hardiness Zone: 7-9 · Mature Height: 8-10 Inches · Mature Spread: 24-30 Inches
Buy Snow-n-Summer Asiatic Jasmine online. Snow-n-Summer™ Asiatic Jasmine is a woody, evergreen groundcover vine that can be trained to climb. It's typically used as a foliage plant due to its ever-changing palette of colors throughout the year. In spring, new growth is produced as pure white to pink new leaves, that oftentimes showoff amazing variegation from spotting to streaks of dark, glossy green through each leaf. In summer, the leaves will darken to dark, glossy green and can show some creamy white variegation in the veins. The fall and winter seasons bring colors of intense dark pink and green leaves. Perfect for planting in rock gardens or next to water features, as well as planting in between stepping stones, tucked into rock walls, and along borders.
Family: Apocynaceae · Common Name: Jasmine
FREE with every plant purchased:
- The Sooner Guarantee: For details, click here!
- A pre-applied, pre-measured amount of time release fertilizer that keeps your plant well nourished for up to one year.
- Pre-hydrated Hydro-Gels are included in the top of each container to use when planting as they help retain soil moisture, and plants will establish more quickly with less transplant shock. Plants will also survive drought-like conditions and accidental missed waterings better.
- Planting and Care Instruction brochure.
- Catalogs of new and exciting plant brands, such as Garden Debut® and Proven Winners®.
We use and recommend www.dripdepot.com for our irrigation needs, from simple to install micro and drip systems, to commercial grade irrigation parts and supplies.
• | Garden Debut® |
Cultural Information*
• | Leaf Spot - High Resistance |
• | Powdery Mildew - High Resistance |
• | Root Rot - Low Resistance |
Leaf Type*
• | Evergreen |
Nature Assets*
• | Deer Resistant |
Plant Type*
• | Perennial |
Preferred Soil Conditions*
• | Average |
• | Drought Tolerant |
• | Low Water Use |
• | Moist |
• | Prefers Low pH (Acidic Soils) |
• | Tolerates Low pH (Acidic Soils) |
• | Well-Drained |
Propagation Methods*
• | Cuttings or Divisions |
Season of Interest*
• | Early Spring |
• | Fall |
• | Late Spring/Early Summer |
• | Late Summer/Early Autumn |
• | Spring |
• | Summer |
• | Winter |
• | Year-Round |
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SNOW N SUMMER™ ASIATIC JASMINE Homeowner Growing & Maintenance Tips
Trachelospermum are very easy to grow. Avoid overwatering and wet soils as they prefer moist, well drained conditions. Feed once a year with a slow release fertilizer.
Regina - Aug 21, 2016
Suffolk, Virginia (Hardiness Zone: 7)
New foliage (pink and white) DECIMATED by cutworms!!! I LOVE this plant but BE CAREFUL! Spray regularly!!!
Jen - May 20, 2017
North Carolina (Hardiness Zone: 6)
I agree with the previous reviewer - LOVE this beautiful plant, but something is eating the leaves completely off the stems. Will continue to spray and hope something works soon :(
rick - May 09, 2023
Holly Springs, North Carolina (Hardiness Zone: 7)
Test review. Do not activate Brian.