Root Pouch® Fabric Containers
Root Pouch® container grown plants produce healthier plants with greater transplant success and faster growth than bareroot plants or bareroot plants freshly sacked in burlap bags for shipping purposes. Root Pouch® containers which are made from (PET) which come from recycled water bottles and natural fibers are also environmentally friendlier than plants grown in conventional plastic pots, typically made from (PE) polyethylene.
Sooner Plant Farm is pleased to grow and sell many varieties of trees and shrubs specially grown and sold in root enhancing pots called the Root Pouch®.
The Root Pouch® is a unique and environmentally friendly growing container made of a combination of natural and recycled materials. The breathable fabric type material allows for a higher level of oxygen exchange directly at the plant roots zone. Everything living needs oxygen to survive and the Root Pouch® helps us produce a healthier plant with a much healthier root system than that of traditional plastic growing pots. Also, because Root Pouch® containers are made of a semi-porous degradable fabric, tender root tips are trapped in the fabric which provide root pruning instead of root circling that normally occurs with plants grown in traditional plastic pots. This root tip pruning turns one root tip into several feeder root tips, therefore multiplying the amount of water and nutrient absorption. After all, it is the root system that is most important when evaluating a plants overall health.
Fact: A strong healthy root system produces a strong and vigorous plant.
The customer can plant the entire Root Pouch® container directly in the ground without disturbing the roots, allowing plants to establish quicker into the new environment and in most cases without sustaining any transplant shock. Since all of the additional feeder roots are left intact, your plants will be better equipped to survive adverse conditions such as drought and rapid soil temperature changes. Once buried, micro-organisms begin to degrade the fabric allowing roots to escape and quickly travel into the surrounding soil.
Note: Although the Root Pouch will begin to degrade once buried allowing the roots to grow through the fabric, the decomposition time will vary depending on soil structure, moisture levels and microbial activity levels. For this reason, we recommend cutting three to four slits around the outside of the bag and a couple in the bottom to assist in the roots escaping.
Be sure to look for the tag “Grown in Root Pouch®” in the plant description of many selected varieties grown by Sooner Plant Farm.
If you would like to read more and discover all the fantastic uses of Root Pouch® brand growing containers, visit their web site at www.rootpouch.com.